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How do I get Kitty used to their Walking Jacket

Patience, Patience, Patience!!!

Some pets adapt to their jackets quickly, but others will fight it every step by backing away in the jacket or flopping over! They will finally "figure out" the rewards of wearing their jacket = going for a walk or a ride and being with their people! 

 (See all of the happy, exploring pets wearing their jackets outside in Photo Gallery.)

My breeder friend offers this advice to climatize your pet to a walking jacket.

"You can start getting them used to walking jackets as soon as they have their kitten vaccines and are protected to go outside. I use small kitten sized jackets that will fit the average kitten from 3- 6 months old and then your cat can get an adult size jacket. You can start by having your kitten wear the jacket around the house just to get used to the feeling of having a jacket on. Once he/she is safe to go outdoors you can then take the kitten out in your arms with a leash attached to the jacket in case of emergency like the kitten jumps out of your arms.

Walk around with the kitten and talk softly and you can even use rewards while walking. Then after a couple of times of doing this find a quiet place to sit with the kitten and let it get used to roaming around a bit wearing the jacket with you holding the leash. It won't take long before you are actually walking with your cat! It is very rewarding as spending time outdoors with our pets has mostly been for our dogs in the past... now our cats can enjoy the activity with us also!" 

Another breeder friend offers this addition suggestion:

Have kitty's favorite toy available when you put the jacket on him/her for the first time. Once the jacket is on, start playing with kitty with the toy and they should forget they even have the jacket on! 

This is Glimmer who we were "Kitten Sitting" and was very, very tiny - much tinier than Itty Bitty - so I made her a Teeny Tiny Jacket with some growing room!!!! 

When I put it on her, she rolled around trying to get it off - but look at her walking around - cute as can be as if she owned the place!!!!! Such a little Princess!!!

Of course after all that rolling around trying to escape my jacket and walking around exploring, I need a kitten nap. Purrrrrrrrrr, this nice man sure is nice to snuggle and cuddle up against!!!!!! Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Velcro (Hook and Loop) Closures

In order for the hook and loop (velcro) closures to be effective, please ensure that you remove any excess fur. You need a good "grip" to ensure kitty is secure.

Also, when washing and drying kitty's jacket, please fully overlap the hook with the loop side to prevent any loose threads, lint, fur, etc. to attach itself to the hook side.

We want kitty safely secure at all times when wearing their Catty Kitty Designs jacket.

Travelling with Kitty

As my breeder friend ships kittens all over Canada and the United States, she sends them off wearing an Itty Bitty, Catty Kitty Designs walking jacket. She feels they can be calming for kitty when they travel.



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